Saturday, February 29, 2020

An Analysis of Recruitment and Selection in IBM

An Analysis of Recruitment and Selection in IBM Chapter 1. Introduction Today the success of every organization or business company lies just not in the mission or the goals set by the management, but a lot depends even on the employees of the organization. Employees are an integral part of any organization and they are the biggest assets that any company can have. The entire image of the organization depends on the performance of the employees, their code of conduct, and how they take their job responsibility. Every company looks out for employees who have the required capability and the qualifications that just not suits the job requirements but also can add to the value of organization. Recruitment and selection of the employees thus becomes an integral part of human resources. In simple terms getting the right person or a deserving candidate is much easier when compares to getting the right candidate for the right position. Through recruitment and selection, an employer will be able to find and select the appropriate and the most deserving candidate for the job vacancy. Recruitment and selection process has been considered as the most important part of hiring a new employee and also for the organization. 1.1 About the company In this research we will be focusing on IBM (Internal Business Machines) located in India to analyze the recruitment and selection. Now lets see some information pertaining to Internal Business Machines (IBM). Even though IBM was present in India earlier to 1970s, they re-entered the business sector in the year 1992. IBM has it headquarter based on Bangalore and operates in 14 other cities throughout India. IBM is considered as the leaders in terms of industry based on Information technology. IBM has been offering various customer solutions which includes both hardware and software. IBM India is considered one of the important market for IBM and they ensure that there has been enough investments in this industry. 1.2 Aim of the research Through this research we are trying to focus on the recruitment and the selection process, taking example organization as IBM. Now in order to ensure that the research is progressing towards achieving this aim, we will need to set an aim for our research. Hence the aim of the research is as follows: â€Å"To investigate, describe and produce a research report which shows how the recruitment and selection process of International Business Machines (IBM) is different from other companies recruitment and selection process.† Before we can into the details of the recruitment and selection at IBM, we will highlight the main reasons why employees get attracted and enthusiastic about working at IBM: Employees who are working and also would be joining would always prefer to be known as the innovators. IBM is known as the best company and employees can always expect to have a very bright future ahead while working at IBM. IBM has been known for providing competitive environment for their employees which can help them develop on l ong term professional basis. Every employee gets to learn new skills and facts at IBM daily. IBM encourages their employees to deploy their unique learning style at work.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Description Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Description - Assignment Example Moreover it is place in an open are with a wonderful view of the city so everything can enjoy a picturesque stay at this place. Hello uncle, how have you been? Is everything good at home? The reason I am writing to you is because of the simple issue that I miss my home these days. Earlier, I remember how desperate I was to move out of my place and get a job and have a place of my own. Now, having accomplished that I do not feel that I am complete even though I have everything a person can wish for. My house is still not my home. When I was a child, I was always excited to come back to my home and stay with my closed ones. The warm atmosphere of the place gave me a sense of protection and a feeling that nothing can happen to me now since I am staying in my home. Some one or the other will always be there to protect me. That sense of protection and joy is missing these days uncle. Wish I could leave everything right now and come visit you and my home. Please take care and let me know how everything is going with you. I will come visit you soon. In the above two paragraphs each of them are different in its own away. The first paragraph is giving us a sense that I am promoting my home so that other people get interested and purchase it to stay. There is no sense of my feeling or emotions attached with the place. I have not even described the place as my home. However in the second paragraph the discussion changes completely as I have a different intention in it altogether. A sense of feelings and emotions are attached to it while writing a letter to my home. Each of the paragraphs has a different approach in their own way. In the first paragraph my intention is to sell the place so I promote the place in my own way. However in the second paragraph, I am missing my home and emotions attached with it are completely different, which is why I am writing to my uncle to make

Saturday, February 1, 2020


ECONOMICS OF POVERTY AND DISCRIMINATION - Research Paper Example This makes an exploration of this idea complicated by the idea of the life of the person at immanent risk of homelessness as something that is expressive of the perspective of those who define them, and therefore may, wittingly or not, make class-struggle dynamics more a part of the equation than a lot of people may realize. That is, to define those who are at risk and be so explicitly brought down by them, or rather by those who oppress them, suggests a position that is far from an objective experience of the actual life of the homeless, who may or may not be aware of the rituals of definition which make their experience so singularly bitter. From this perspective, the poverty of the individual seems like more of a forced choice than a willing obligation. To avoid confusion, then, those who are immanently homeless still have their basic needs met, which are shelter food and water and clothes. But those who are homeless are beginning to lose these basic needs and lose touch with the society that provides them. This is the main difference in terms of the distinctions of immanent and real homelessness. This sets up a classification system of the poor and homeless, so that it is at least clear exactly about whom someone is speaking when they name the actual and immanent homeless. The definitions which can be provided in terms of this difference are largely classical and do not have the same attenuation that is placed in other sections of experience on modern equivalencies of the welfare state as it exists today; nonetheless, perhaps the classical definitional structure of immanence versus actuality in referring to the poor and homeless is made more clear by its presentation as a set of unchanging categories that includes the poor, the al most-homeless, and the homeless. It seems that this set of categories could be expanded, and that we could expand this definition by adding that although these are specific categories into which the poor and homeless can be